
Empty Loge maze just after 10 am as Exhibition lift was down for 55 minutes. Sweet!

The weather turned cold and windy and snowy right about the time the lift shut down. The upper slopes were suddenly even more wonderfully empty than normal and the skiing was a tad surreal with lots of low clouds and swirling snow. "Ghostly," it felt. Once the lift was fixed, the SkiCo gave stranded passengers a $50 voucher for the cold inconvenience of it all. Meanwhile, the Bowl was filled today with lots of blowing snow and the up and down Inferno Race was pushed back until Sunday. So ... Saturday should be kind of bitchen'. While the groomers were quite nice this morning, the snow on a lot of slopes demanded plenty of adjectives to describe. "Dust on crust" was appropriate. But so were "glacial," "weird," "exotic," and "almost unskiable." It was a different case, to be sure, in certain shaded and treed areas so explorations on Saturday should still bear some tasty fruit.

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