
New glades opened...somewhere on the mountain

No, you're going have to find this new little patch of glee on your own. But
it's out there. And it's open. And it's near the top of the mountain. That
was a nice little discovery to make during a late lunch lap today. Was also
pleasantly surprised yesterday to see how good the inside of Bonnie's
restaurant looks after a summer of construction. A new truss support system
was installed to keep the roof on and the new wooden beams look cool. If you
didn't know the work had been done, you probably wouldn't notice any
changes. It just looks like there is more wood in the place. And the cashier
stands are a little different. So that's nice. And best of all, Bonnie's is
now once again serving breakfast, which presents yet another reason to get
up on the hill early. Friday morning, a week out from Christmas, could be
slightly white. There is a 20 percent of snow tonight, and that's the only
snow in the forecast. So we're hoping...
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