
Building a ski season

The week should be mostly snow-free, but there is powder on top of the peaks and temps will be good for snowmaking. Looks like we’ve got a ski season coming. Sun out today with a high of 41 in downtown Aspen. Overnight lows under mainly squeaky clear skies of 15, 20, 19, 18, 19 and 17 degrees are in today’s forecast for the week. Clear and cold are near ideal conditions for making snow. SkiCo reported Saturday it got 16 inches at the top of Snowmass. The SkiCo’s live cams this morning reveal snowfilled scenes on the slopes. That really was a nice little three-day storm. All bow to the planet's natural forces for blessing our fair ski resort... Yes, it's all that good living we've been doing. Bowl Patrollers are out and about, one would surmise, tacking down the white carpet to the side of the hellacious bowl. One can hear the stomping from town...
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