
Zahrobska (CZE), Schild (AUS), and Zettel (AUS) take Aspen slalom podium.

European women dominated the podium in Aspen again this year, sweeping the podium in both the GS and the slalom races. Zettel was 2nd in Saturday's GS and Zahrobska won the slalom in Aspen last year.The course was tough for many skiers, but as is frequently the case, seemingly a non-issue for the winners who make it look smooth and easy. The rock that Vonn hit in the GS will now enter Aspen racing lore. The tough day she had Saturday seemed to also affect her run on Sunday. The Universal Sports video feed online was an excellent way to study the racers throwing themselves down what might be called "Icepile," not Strawpile. The course will stay closed for the Nor Am race series, which are one level below the World Cup level. The Nor Am races will be held through Wednesday, December 3.
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